Friday, December 18, 2020

The process of filming

        Since we started this short film project it’s been a very fun and stressful time. Fun because it’s nice getting to do something new every once in a while and this was a little different then when we filmed our music videos and commercials last year for AICE Media AS. It was more detailed and more footage but overall it was a fun experience. Overall stressful as well because there was many complications while i filmed and it just made me stressed because LĂșcio got injured and that kind of ruined things for me because i knew i needed to re-shoot but since he got injured like 2 days after we first filmed it was just bad. Our footage wasn’t the worst but it also wasn’t great and i was really upset because i could’ve done so much better but i had to work with we had taken so i can’t complain. It was fun getting to film with LĂșcio and also working with him because he helped out a lot because with our his help i honestly don’t know what i would’ve done to get this short film done and i’m glad i had him to help me. Wiyh out him i would have no one to help me film this and no one in my group to help me brain storm what i woudl make and film the short film about.

To be honest my short film isn’t great but it honestly came out better than i thought it would’ve become. Of course i thought it was going to be great because i had everything planned out in my head but at the end it wasn’t the worst thing i’ve seen technically. 

At the end im very proud of what we have done and created, even though he got a bad injury we got everything done at the end and im very glad we did. My family and his family enjoyed watching and i hope others like it as well.

Overall a very fun experience for us both and my family as well since they helped with feedback and was there through the stressful times.


Wednesday, December 16, 2020


I had to re-edit my short film because after sending it so my family and friends could tell me their opinion on it they each told me somethings i could work on and i went ahead and started working on those little details. I began re editing the ending and some of the clips in between the middle and the beginning because my dad said that i should edit some of the beginning and make it more about the actual injury rather than just the the backstory and the whole thing. 

but since i wasn’t able to re shoot because of my actors injury so i had to work with what i had since the beginning, and it honestly wasn’t easy to re edit because i barely had any different footage to add onto the short film so i kept it mostly the same i tried to cut out some clips but it just wouldn’t look good so i kept it mostly the same as before. Some things that i have changed on the short film while re editing is the police sirens and i took out the subtitles. I felt like subtitles didn’t really matter and it was just taking up too much of my time, everything in the short film, all the dialogue is very clear and audible so adding subtitles wouldn’t do much affect. Also my mother had also mentioned as to why the subtitles were there because it’s a person choice if they want close captioning and subtitles. So i took them out and just left it normal. 

After i was done i sent the finished short film to my friends and i asked them if they preferred the re edited version or the old one i showed them and they said that they liked both but they preferred the new and re edited version that i had sent to them today. 

I also sent it to my father and showed it to my mother, my father said he liked it and that even though there wasnt much of a difference between the old one and the new one he said he liked the new one more. My mother said the same as well and she said i did a great job and that she would be sending it to my aunt and to my grandma so they could tell what they thought as well. At the end they said they really liked it and i was really glad they did


Monday, December 14, 2020

Peer Review- Friends Re- Edited

    I texted two of my friends, Maria and Felipe. I asked them both what they thought about the re-edited version of the short film.

Maria was the first one to answer so i sent her the short film and she said that shed watch it and let me know what she thought. After she was done she said she liked it s alot and that it was very similar to the other one and i told her i was not able to re film or add any footage due to Lucios injury. and she told me she had heard about it and that the short film is still good and that she enjoyed watching it. She said she wished that there was more action for the injury rather than just the background but that it was still good. She said that this was also similar to what she saw last year, our music video. Because she was with me and my parents when i showed them it last year. She said she thought it was good. She did say she preffered the music video over the short film which i agree with her since it was better and it took us more time editing.

I texted Felipe and after a little while he texted me back, Felipe is my cousin so i had a higher chance of him being 100% honest with me than my friends. I sent him the short film and asked him if he could tell me what he thought about it and to let me know what he liked and he didnt like. After a couplle minutes he texted me saying he was done watching it and that he was in between liking it and disliking it. He said the same thing pretty much everyone said but he said the only reason he was in between about things was because there was very little actions and he enjoys action movies a lot and my movie would fall in that perfect category. He works a lot with television and radio and commercial stuff in brazil, hes a couple years older than me and he works with a television and radio company so he knows a lot of stuff about editing and commercials and videos

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Peer review- Family

After i was done asking my friends to tell me their opinions on my short film i waited for my parents to get home and tell me their opinion on my short film. First i asked my mother her opinion and she watched it and told me it was great and that she really liked it and i told her if there was anything i could fix or that she didn’t like and she told me she really liked it and that there was honestly nothing to fix overall.  She even asked me to send it to her so she could show my grandmother and my aunts and she said they loved it. Even though they couldn’t understand much because they don’t speak english but they loved it. I told them that i wasn’t 100% done with it and that i’m still going to re edit and maybe re shoot 

it but that i wasn’t completely sure but i’d be showing them the final product and everything soon and they said they couldn’t wait.

After talking to my dad i waited for my dad to get home and when he did i showed him the short film and let him watch it. After he was done i asked him what he thought about it he told me he liked it and that it was good. I asked him what his favorite part was and he told me it was the part where he gets injured but he said that there could have been more time at the end where it happens and that there could’ve been more action during it. He said i could’ve made the short film more about the injury rather than just the backstory and then the final game and then the injury.  but he did say he liked it and when he watched it he was with his coworker and his co worker said i did really good and that they are both proud of what i did, i told them that i will still be re editing and that i will show them the final and complete version in a couple days once im all done with everything and that i would send it to them.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Peer Reviews

         When i was all done with editing and just overall done, i texted my friend Sophia and asked her to watch my short film and i told her that it was for a school project and that i needed her opinion on it, her honest opinion. After she watched it she texted me saying it was good and since she's the type of person to not take anything serious of course she found the ending, when Lucio gets injured, funny. I did call her after to get her honest opinion and she told me it was good but that there was something missing and she couldn't place her finger on it. I told her i felt the same way but i had a feeling it was the footage and that there was honestly nothing else i could do because we aren't able to re film due to Lucio's injury. She agreed but she did say that was we had was fine and it worked fine as well. She found the end funny because the way he fell right after the shot and he was on the ground. I did agree that it was funny and that i should've made the injury part much longer.

    After Sophia, i texted my friend Jose asked him to watch my short film and i told him that it was for a school project and that i needed his opinion on it, his honest opinion. He agreed and texted me after watching it saying that he liked it and that it was really cool. I did the same thing i did with Sophia, i went and called him when he had his free time. After talking for a while he told me his honest opinion about the whole thing and he said that it was really good and that he has never seen something like that in his life before. I told him about Sophia's opinion and he kind of agreed but he said for him it was good the way it was and he also knew about that Lucio had gotten injured so he said it was really cool and funny that the day after we stopped filming he actually got injured. He thought it was ironic that we were filming a short movie about a soccer athlete who gets injured and then after were one filming he actually gets badly injured and isn't able to play for a while.

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Editing Short Film- part 2

     After i had everything downloaded onto iMovie and almost done the taking parts out and cropping each clip i had, i began watching over every clip to see if it had sounds in the background and most of them did so i had to go over every clip and cut the beginnings of most of them out. I was good though because i did have almost 10 minutes of the clips when they weren't edited but then after i did that i had around 7 minutes. After i did that i started fixing the volumes on each clip because i had some clips that the volume was too loud due to wind or it was too quiet so i had to go over most them and either put the volume up or down. Most of the clips were fine i just had issues with the clips that were shot outside due to the wind it was too loud and too hard to hear if there was any dialogue. After everything little thing i did to the film i went and re-watched the whole thing to make sure nothing was missing and to make sure i didn't accidentally edit something out that was important, every little detail is important and very noticeable if there is a mistake. Luckily i didn't make any mistake but i did forget a couple details every time.

After i was done using iMovie i began using an app called Splice. I honestly thought that it wouldn't work but it was actually a good app to work with and it was easy to use. I was a little confused at first but i got the hang of it after a while. Using Splice i worked with adding subtitles and added things that were needed. I did have to wait a couple days for Lucio to available for us to work on it together because since it was just us 2 in the group we had to use our voices to voice over the other characters that were in the short film but didn't appear in it such as coach and Lucio's mother. After adding the subtitles all i had left was to place them on the right place of the screen and the right timing and added some sound affects such as the ambulance sirens when he got injured and added them as background noise to make it seem like they were far away but still close and on their way.

Friday, December 4, 2020

Editing Short Film

         Since i filmed thought the thanksgiving break i thought i would get a head start on my editing during this first week of  December to just get it all done and over with so i don't have to worry about anything after this week. Since we have midterms from the 14th to the 18th its going to be a stressful week. I really want to finish everything by the next week, so i don't have to worry about doing any work over winter break while i have family over and then Christmas and new years gatherings. I began editing on November 29th and i finished on December 1st. On November 29th i gathered all the footage i got from filming in the week before and i watched everything over again just to make sure i had everything right and that it looked the same as the storyboard, which they were and i was so happy. Lucio and i re-watched everything together after we filmed on the same day and we laughed about some of the videos we shot because they were so bad that it was funny, i will be adding some of them to our website for bloopers and behind the scenes.

When i first started editing i had some issues with the footage downloading. I had to spend like four or five hours just deleting stuff off of my phone because i had around 16 thousand pictures and videos on my phone. After that it would still take like 15 min for everything to get downloaded into iMovie. I used Imovie to get everything down and just see how many minutes and in total i had almost 10 minutes of just footage. So after i had all the footage down i started cutting everything don and editing out the parts in each clip that either took too long to get to the point or it just wasn't working with the whole film. Then i started adding the transition which took a while because i couldn't choose which ones looked better and i also couldn't decide how long i wanted them to be but at the end i kept them at either 0.5 or 1 second long each...

Wednesday, December 2, 2020


     During the thanksgiving break, on the 26th, Lucio got injured. He went to play soccer with his family members, cousins and friends, and one of his friends side tackled him and kicked his ankle/shin. While his friend got up he noticed he wasn't being able to stand and he noticed that he was starting to feel pain but also his leg went numb. They went to the hospital because he couldn't feel his leg, and he was in a lot of pain. He spent around three hours at the hospital, and when he got out he had crutches and a little cast. The doctors told him that he tore his ligament and that he would be okay to walk in two weeks but to play soccer he would have to wait around four to six weeks. Due to his injury i believe i wont be able to re-shoot any scenes or re-shoot at all in any way. We had just started filming on Monday of thanksgiving break and we finished on Tuesday and he got injured on Wednesday. Having to turn this in, in January doesn't give us enough time to re-shoot since he wont be able to play by then. 

At the end we do have something good and presentable to work with. On the day we finished filming, i went home and started going over all the footage we took. We had way more than we needed and i was glad because i really was starting to think that it was too short. When i went over all the footage we had i separated them and put the bloopers and the clips we weren't going to use in one folder and the ones that were good and that we were going to use in the other folder named "short film". Most of the footage we had was long and not short at all and we had at least two of each scene. When we were filming i wanted to be sure we had everything right and good to go so i decided for us to film two of each scene we were recording in case we did have to re-film. When i went over the re-shoots i took, i noticed that i was missing three scenes. So i will have to do with what i got from the first shots. I find it funny how the short film is about a highschool soccer athlete getting badly injured and it really happens in real life!

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Changes in filming schedule

     Since Covid-19 cases have been going up during these past two weeks my family has decided to cancel the thanksgiving trip and we decided to just spend it at my house. Since the plans have changed i will be filming from Monday the 23rd to Wednesday the 25th. I feel like that is enough time to film and have everything set. Today is Monday the 23rd and the weather is pretty weird and the actor isn't able to film today due to some family problems, so we will be filming tomorrow and Wednesday if everything goes to plan. Today is Tuesday the 24th and we started filming the scenes in the house and getting some of the scenes in the car done for tomorrow. The weather is great and everything came together, we did have to film a couple scenes like three times because either we had some background noise that messed up the audio or we just had a minor issue like when i was recording and i walked passed a mirror you were able to see me so that messed us up and we had to re-shoot it. Then my actor just forgot his lines or what he had to do and where he had to stop or do a certain movement. So we had some minor issues and we also stuck with the storyboard that we had all we did was add some movements and new dialogue but other than that we kept or well we tried to keep things as similar to the storyboard as possible. After we were done with the first half i then went over all the footage we had and then i picked the ones that looked good and then i separated them into a folder and then i took the ones that weren't going and put them in another folder with the bloopers to put up on the website. We then started to re-shoot all the scenes that we messed up or the ones we just needed to fix in general. Today is wednesday the 25th and tofay we filmed the soccer field scenes and they came out great and we were done with filming and now we just need to edit and have everything done. The weather wasnt too great but we had great footage and we finished in three days. 

Friday, November 20, 2020

Thanksgiving Break

 I am not going to film during the thanksgiving break. Me and my family will be going out of state to visit Nashville, Tennessee. We will be leaving on Sunday and coming back the other week I would only have one day to film and it wouldn’t make a difference because i want to get everything done in two days, one after the other and if I film on Saturday and then film like two weeks later I don’t feel like it would come out good. So my plan for now is to film during the first weekend of December, around the 4th, 5th and maybe 6th. That way i can start editing and getting everything done in that first week. We will be starting early in the morning and then start filming at the house for the house and bedroom scenes and then leaving right after to go film at the soccer field. I think it wont take me too long too shoot all the scenes, I have a feeling it will be like a max of 3 hours because we do have to re-watch all the scenes we filmed and then pick which ones we should do a retake and which ones we should keep and just edit. and of course there are many scenes that might take long because there could be mistakes or the camera did not work and all of that sort. There have been some questioning about the scenes. I went over the storyboard and i saw that some things needed fixing and the dialogue and the script and I think there will be some changes and i think i will have to add or maybe even cut some scenes and add some new ones because when i looked over the story board and the script i felt like there was something missing and i needed to change it. I think i might just think over and brainstorm some extra ideas to add. So there might be some minor changes in the short film. and because of covid we have to be careful with where we go and we have to be safe. 

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Website Process

 For the website and building the social media accounts i had some majors issues which i then overcame them at the end. First I knew i had to open a new Gmail account for this whole process because it would have made it so difficult if i didn't do that. Then i opened my website account for me to start the website. After i was done picking the layout i wanted I began changing and adding pictures and I also began adding my pages and then added the titles and texts i needed for each page. After all that I began working on creating the social media accounts. It took me around 2 hours just to create the social media accounts. I began with Facebook which took the longest to make because Facebook does not allow your name to be something that isn't name appropriate, so then i just used my own fakebook account and opened a page just for the movie. After i created the  Instagram and twitter account which were both easy and fast with no complications. Then I created the YouTube page and i had lots of issues with that also because I accidentally connected my actual YouTube account with the one i was creating for the movie page. After that i began working on the rest of the pictures i had to add on and started fixing the little mistakes there were. On my website i added pictures of the people working on my movie, i added my parents as if they were the editor and the camera director but in the actual filming and editing and directing it is just me in end. On the day after i started working on my website I used my photography camera to take the pictures of the actor, the editor, and the camera director and i took my own picture because i didn't like how they took mine which is why it looks closer and less professional. I then had some difficulties getting my phone to connect to the camera so then i took my moms phone to do it and it worked so then i downloaded the pictures i edited them so they looked right and then i sent them to my email and saved it onto the computer and then added them onto my website.

Friday, November 13, 2020



        This storyboard was a little complicated to start for me because I had to think back at the script and think back at what I wrote and what scene would look like in m head. I pictured everything before I began drawing just so I would have an idea on what  to draw and how many pages I would need. At first I got everything down up until I was on page 6 of the storyboard. I started struggling on what scene I was doing and what i needed for that scene. At the end i got better and was able to finish everything and everything went down perfect. I started doing the storyboard on Monday and it took me a while to finish since i do not know how to draw too good, well at all as you can tell. I tried my best at the drawings but they just all look bad so i just kept going with what i was doing since the beginning. I tried my best to keep my visions realistic to what is going on in the world right now and i tried my best too keep most of the scenes either indoors or where there is not many people or any people at all. Due to covid-19 my parents and the actors parents do not want us to be put in danger just because of a school project so we are trying our best to be safe and have little to none encounters with other people because we do not truly know where everyone goes to. The park where we are going to film there are barely any people especially early in the mornings which is where were trying to go and film around 8 to 10am. That will be the only place some people go or could be there but we are going to take our precautions and be as safe as possible. Both me and the actor have known each other for some time and we know each others family and we know that were both safe and that we do not need to worry. We have both been tested and both are perfectly safe and healthy. With all of this i hope that we can make a great short film and that it comes out just we both wish it looked like and just as our storyboard is formatted.

Monday, November 9, 2020

Planning for short film

     I will start filming after we create our websites and everything else. I have my schedule for when we do begin filming which will be during the weekend usually in the morning if we go to the park to film at the soccer fields or throughout the day when we film the other scenes at the house or in the car. The locations we have so far are the park, my house or the actors house, my backyard and his car. The scenes which take place at my house or his house will be done at night or throughout the evening during the weekends. At the park in the soccer fields will be done during the mornings o the weekends or when we are on break. The car scenes can be done whenever we have time left since they will be rather short. The participants will be me, Luisa, and the soccer athlete which is Lucio. I chose to have a small group, very small actually. Last years group was too complicated and always had issues. Due to Covid-19 we will be taking precautions, if other people are around we will be using masks and we will also be bringing hand sanitizer and gloves to be as safe as possible. For the props we have a simple set of props. There will be soccer balls, whistles, and the usual stuff that are in cars, bedrooms, anything in the house. For costumes it will be kept short and simple too. The soccer player when playing in his game will be wearing his soccer uniform and gear, the teams jersey, the cleats the socks everything. In the other scenes it will be normal casual school and staying home outfits. Such as jeans, plain or graphic t-shirt and normal shoes such as vans or Nikes. Overall everything could possibly change when we begin filming but hopefully even because of covid our short film will be great and all i have talked about in this planning blog helps me structure everything a little better and i hope it helps a lot at the end. I have known the actor for some time now and with his help i can finish everything i need and he will help out a lot by doing this with me even if it is stressful.

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Short film vs Feature length film

  In my opinion the feature film was much better than the short film. The featured film included everything the short film had. But instead of making it simple just as the short film was, they made sure the featured film was very detailed. They had the numbers being created, the person creating them was cutting the cloth that held their structure, kind of like skin. In the short film it never showed how they were made and what made them. It honestly had me very confused as to why they were scared of the little machine dog. I was also confused as to why they were alone and what had happened to the buildings. The featured film included that. They included who made them , how they were made, and what happened to the world. They described it as the "world was ending" because of a war. These big machines were made to help in the war but at the end they turned against who they were supposed to help and they basically took over everything and destroyed the world, which ended with the word ending. The short film also only added number 5 and number 9, but the featured film added all the numbers and showed what each one was. They all were very unique and their minds were very different. Some all they had was fear and needed protections, the others did not care and all they wanted was to overcome the giant machine. They included what the little machine in the short film did, the small dog machine used his little eye to catch their souls. The big machine did the exact same thing. The only thing that was different was that the big giant machine was awakened by what awakened number 9. But in the short film the small dog had been there since the beginning and it worked by the same thing. They included everything and made sure everything was included in the featured film. they left nothing out which was great and they gave us a backstory, they added flashbacks, they added the holograph at the end of when their souls were leaving the little trapped metal.


Research 9, the feature film.

 The first impression i had when i first began watching the featured film of 9 was how much better and more detailed it was. This begins way different than the short of 9 did. I understand how and why it is so different since the short of 9 is like 8 minutes long and the featured film is 1 hour and 30 minutes. Of Course it had to be more detailed. The beginning starts with the person actually creating the little characters. It is only 9 he was building, there were 9 of them in total. Meaning number 9 was the last and most recent was that built. The plot itself and the theme stayed the same. They just added more details into each scene that was in the 9 the short. It shows them being created, it shows what happened and why the world was ending, it showed flashbacks of when and who made the machines. In the short the only other character that showed other than number 9 was number 5. You would have thought that there were only 2 of them in the entire world but the featured film showed us wrong and that there were  9 of them in total. The small creature that was in the short was actually a giant war machine that made other little machines that destroyed things making it more advance and more detailed than the short was. The character development grew over the scenes. It began with number 9 being lost and then soon after he had gotten number 2 killed while trying to save them. The big machine took their "souls" it took number 2, number, 8, number 5 , number 1, and number 6. Their "souls" got trapped inside the big machine but soon after at the end of the 9 featured film, number 9 began trying to figure out how to release their trapped souls from the machine. and at the end him and the others that were left they made a memorial for each number that had died and then they got released. I enjoyed watching the 9 featured film rather than 9 the short. It was way better and enjoyable to watch. 9 the featured film was very interesting.


Research 9, the short

 My impressions of the film is a little bit of everything. It was a mix of like and dislike when i watched it. When i began watching it i was a little confused on what was going on. But then as it went on i started to understand a little. The character, number 9, was the only one left in the beginning. He had a flashback of when it was him and number 5. Number 5 got killed by the big creature that took their souls. I was confused as to why he was trying to get his attention and bring him to a certain spot but then i suddenly understood that he had a small lighting part of the createurs. Everytime the creature came nearby it would start flashing and they would hide from fear. But after number 5 got killed by the creature number 9 wasn't afraid, matter fact he wanted to release the bodies of the other numbers that were captured and killed by the weird creature. That's where the character development came in. In the beginning of the film number 9 was so afraid that he hid while number 5 sacrificed his life so number 9 could live. After seeing number 5 get murdered by the creature number 9 was no longer afraid and he was determined to get the other piece that matched the one he owned. So he went from being a fearful character in the film to a very brave and determined one. The plot theme was very different. It seemed to be a thriller, drama, and a little bit of horror. If i had watched this when i was younger i for sure would have not liked it. It gave me a weird feeling when the creature kept trying to kill number 9 and number 5. It was split into three themes in all three parts of the film. It was more of a thriller and drama in both the beginning and the middle and then end was more of the dramatic part of the film. I would have to believe that it would have to fall into the thriller genre.In my opinion i didn't really like it, if i had chosen to watch this film on my own as if i had nothing else to watch i would have not even picked it. I have seen it a couple times pop up on my netflix but it never actually caught my attention.


Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Genre Choice For FIlm

 The genre i choose for my film would have to be a documentary. Since my film is about one of the best soccer athletes in a high school, i thought that it would be best to make it a documentary. To have a film about the background of the player. To know everything the player worked for to get where he was. What inspired me to chose this genre was the research i was doing for each genre. While i did some research i also watched som documentaries to know what i would be looking for and creating in my film. It encouraged me to take a bigger step, to create something better than just a simple film about a soccer player who gets injured. I thought hard about everything and i came to the conclusion that making this film into a documentary would be one of the best options to do. Each documentary has their own twist to them. Most talk about a murder, but for mine i just want to talk about how one of the best soccer players in a high school in a small town got where he is even after his injury. It would make an amazing documentary, to get to know the player, how he is a person, how he grew up, how his family is, how his teammates are and lastly how he got into all of his soccer career in the first place. I believe i dont need to tweak my pitch. My pitch was, "  A soccer athlete gets badly injured for the last game of season and he has to recover and overcome those obstacles for the next season.". If i did have to tweak my pitch it would be the smallest change due to the fact i am still going to have the injury and his recovery in the documentary,


Genre Research- Documentary

 Common camera angles in Documentaries are Eye level angles, and Shoulder level angles. There are others which are used incertain scenes which are Hip level angles, Aerial, and over the shoulder. Maintaining eye level angles in a documentary is very important. Many documentaries are more or less mostly interviews. Interviews focus on just the persons face and the interviewer. Common sounds in documentaries are diegetic sounds. Some still use non diegetic sounds here and there but there is mostly more talking than any other sounds. Common CLAMPS in documentaries. For costumes interviewers and the people who the documentary is about wear normal clothes, there are no special costumes. These people can wear whatever they like and want. For lighting most documentaries use low key lighting or also high key lighting. SInce they mostly only focus on one person throughout the whole film the light should be focussed on the main person. The actors are people who he documentary is about, they are the ones telling the story, explaining the story. For makeup they use light makeup or rather no makeup depending what it is about and how the actors are. For props there are very little props. Common editing in documentaries are eyeline match, montage, jumpcuts, and wipe. Many documentaries use instead of videos and pictures while a person is explaining what is happening. They use Some examples of documentaries are American Murder the family next door, Murder to Mercy, and Athlete A. These are all netflix documentaries. Elements i like about this genre are the editing, the eagles, and the actors. These all makeup for the whole film. The editing is the biggest part of an documentary, its the main thing that catches a watcher attention. The makeup and props are the main elements i don't really like. They serve no purpose depending what the documentary is about.


Genre Research- Drama

    Common Camera angles in drama films are Low angles, High angles, Over the shoulder, and eye level angles. Many drama films use pan, zoom, and dolly for their camera movements. For shots in drama films they sue close up shots, long shots, one shot, two shot, and three shot, also many use POV shots to give a more dramatic feeling to the movie. Common sounds in drama films are both diegetic and nondiegetic sounds. They use one more than the other which is diegetic sound. Drama films include a lot of talking, and many sounds such as walking, ripping paper, gasping. All sounds from the actors in the film. For costumes in drama films, they use normal clothing but sometimes certain scenes are dramatically changed by one person. For example in a room with people wearing all black one person walked in wearing white. They use different costumes each scene. For makeup it all depends how dramatic a film is. It could be simple but it could also be heavy. Lighting is mostly lowkey and highkey lighting. Always focusing on one thing more than others, all through lighting. For props there are many pros being used, all depending on the actors and their roles. Common editing in drama films are eyeline match, montage, fade, cross dissolve, and POV editing. Some example of films in the drama genre are Judy, Bombshell, Just Mercy and Moonlight. Elements i like about this genre are the editing and the actors and props. They all make up the whole film. It creates the concept of it being a drama film. It creates the dramatic feel of the whole movie. Elements i don't like about the drama genre is the makeup. Depending on the movie it doesn't really have an affect on what the movie is


Genre Research – Sports

    Common CAMS in the sports genre are Birds-Eye Angle, Dutch Angles, Worm's Eye Angle, High Angle, Establishing shot, Close up shot, and Tracking shot. Birds Eye Angles are used in sports films when they show an arena, or an overview of what all the players look like from an Birds Eye. Worms Eye angles are used when a player gets injured and all the other team mates come in a circle around the injured player look down at them. A high angle is used to show a player looking up at the sky or looking up at something. Establishing shot would be used to show watchers where the player is at or where they will be. Close up shot could be of the coach talking to the players. And Tracking shot is of when players are running in the field it would be tracking their movements. Diegetic Sounds and Non Diegetic sounds are both used in sports movies. Diegetic sounds fall with players talking in scenes, crowd cheering, sounds of players kicking the ball, and heavy breathing. Non diegetic sounds are mostly music. Such as music over a scene of the players scoring, or during a fight.Common CLAMPS in the sports genre is sports and normal  clothing. There is mostly side lighting and high key lighting. Actors there are many depending on what you focus on. There is little to no makeup in these types of movies and if there is its to use as an injury and a bruise of a sort. Props are mostly sports related. Common editing in the sports genre is point of view editing, parallel editing, fade, and cut.  Some films in the sports genre are Woodlawn, Million Dollar Arm, and The blind side.Some of the elements that i liked that are in the sports genre are the editing and the shots and angles they use. Some of the elements i don't like are the sounds and makeup.

b. Common Sound in your genrec. Common Mis-En-Scene (CLAMPS) in your genred. Common Editing in your genree. Example films of your genref. What elements of the genre that you like?g. What elements of the genre do not appeal to you?

Genres I Would Like to Research

     Three genres i would like to research about would be Sports, Documentary, and Drama. The movie i want to film is mostly sports related. It's about a highschool athlete, that plays soccer for his high schools soccer team. I chose one of the genres to be sports because the main thing that is portrayed in my film is soccer. Many football and baseball movies fall into the sports genre due to what it mostly is about. I think that many of these movies could also be drama. Many are very dramatic and have parts of the movie where it doesn't involve much of the sport but something personal. Such as family issues, drug use, and distractions due to the sport. These scenes are very dramatic and very detailed. As in like drama films there are many fights, arguments, injuries. All are very detailed and always have a background story added to the scene. A flashback or something of the sort. I also chose Documentary because usually these sports films always focus on one player. Usually their best player in the team, mostly the captain. And to focus on one person you need lots of information about them, about where they're from, where they live, how their household was like when they were growing up. Everything makes it a documentary about one of the best players that team has. It also focuses on how the coach is, how the teammates support, or act with or around them. I want my film to be very detailed and focused on one person. Detailed on their background. Detailed on everything they do and how it affect everyone around them. and themselves. These three genres all make up for what i want in my film and what i am looking for. The actor or actors in my film will have very detailed scenes about them and everything. I want to focus on why they chose the sport. Why they wanted to keep playing it. How they started playing. Focusing on everything they do in their life and everything they did to get where they are. Sports, Documentary, Drama are the three main genres i want to research more about and pursue one into my film.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020


 A soccer athlete gets badly injured for the last game of season and he has to recover and overcome those obstacles for the next season. 

Friday, September 18, 2020

Group idea

 This year i decided not to work with anyone. I felt like if i work by myself it would be less chaotic and stressful for me. Last year for AS level i was in a group of three and to be honest i should have worked by myself. Yes being in a group of three made it easier for each one of the group but it was so stressful because each person in the group saw things in a different perspective and that might be good for certain things such as filming and all of that but these blogs and some other things, there were so many disagreements. I still think it will be difficult of course since i am by myself with no one to get help from but i have my own ideas and plans that i would like for it to become that at the end result. In the other group either some would not say or help out with what they did so the other two would be clueless and have to do it on our own which was not too great. I have my own idea and image of how i want this short story to look and with me working by myself i could possibly be able to get as close as possible to what i want. I know it won't be easy but i hope to accomplish it all by myself. I worry that i will have some complications with filming and editing but i can do it on my own someway and somehow. I do have my own equipments and some potential actors and some people to help me set up my filming equipment. I have my own camera, my computer for editing, and my phone for extra footage and other stuff. I have already started to write down some ideas and some other plans for my short story. I have one in mind that should be the right one and should actually be the one that works out eh most and i hope to do a great job and accomplish it all on my own. Plus adding on to the working by myself i also don't know many people in A level this year. I know a couple of others but we aren't close and this pandemic situation it will be difficult to be working in groups and my parents would also rather me work by myself than put them and myself in danger.

Monday, September 14, 2020

Welcome Back

    Its been a while hasn't it. Let me re-introduce myself for you. My name is Luisa, i am a student at Fort Lauderdale high school and this is my second year taking Media Studies. When picking my classes for my first year of high school was honestly really scary and fun. There was so much to pick but i knew i wanted to get involved in a class that worked with cameras and technology. When i first came to the school all excited to pick my electives i did not know what Media Studies was but once they had said it involved using cameras i knew i had to pick that as one of my electives. I had a couple friends who also picked it but they were all in different class periods. When i first got into class i was scared because i did not know anyone so i thought i would have to work all alone but i later come to find out one of my old friends from middle school was in the same class which then made me meet new people and have the best time.When i first chose this class i thought it was something completely different than what it is if I'm being honest. I thought we were going to be working on how to work cameras and how to record films and how films were made. I am not disappointed on what it actually is. Taking AS level was honestly a great experience on learning the beginner steps of film making. I learned a lot through the whole year even though by the end of it we got affected by covid-19. Learning how to edit and work cameras was a very fun experience and it helped realize how much effort goes into making short or even normal films. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication which i completely stand on. I had a lot of fun working with my groups last year, i made new friends in the class and it was a very fun experience. Going out to film was honestly one of the best things, we had fun while doing all the hard work which at the end i believe payed off really well.I hope this year in A level i learn more about the film industry. As my teachers talked about what we had coming up for us already had me excited to know what we would be doing next.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Audience and Institution essay

In relation to the media area you have studied, discuss the ways audience consumption has changed over time. 

Audience consumption changes over time in many ways. When a new movie is released people get intrigued. Especially if it ends with a cliff hanger. You will see these movies be distributed to all audiences all over. Such as magazines, books, music, food products, even clothing. They want you to see the name everywhere, and in mt opinion that catches my attention and makes me want to watch that certain movie that I see everywhere. 
Audiences depend on the genre of the film. The type of genre attracts the audience, according to Spider-Man: Far From Home, it ranked 18th place in superhero movies. Most action and adventure movies are pg-13 leading to the target audience being anywhere from kids to elders. Attracting these audiences also applies through cross promoting. They partnered with Doritos, Pop tarts, Dr pepper, and many other brand companies. Many films use cross promotion to get their movie around. Fast and furious for example used a video game to get promote their new movie that was soon coming out. Who doesn’t love video game? Many kids and young adults played, Spider-Man: Far From Home also launched their own video game. Known as Infinity Saga. Leading to the increase in movie streams.  
Many movies have sequels and sometimes even more. Jurassic park has a 3-movieseries while Jurassic world has a 2-movie series. Many people when the first Jurassic world came out people were excited since it had been years since they did publish a new one. This was such an exciting news that it was all over TV’s, Legos, and video games. Wherever you went. Magazines, Radio Stations, on candy. They had 4 main trailers to advertise their movie. Lego movie 2 was advertised by their theme park in Orlando, Jurassic world also has their own theme park.   
Yes, audience consumption rises and falls throughout the years, but good movies will always continue to get streamed every day. These rides at theme parks makes you want to go home and watch their movie. Going on the Jurassic world ride gets you curious, seeing these movies get advertised for a long period of time will always continue the streams.