Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Genre Research- Documentary

 Common camera angles in Documentaries are Eye level angles, and Shoulder level angles. There are others which are used incertain scenes which are Hip level angles, Aerial, and over the shoulder. Maintaining eye level angles in a documentary is very important. Many documentaries are more or less mostly interviews. Interviews focus on just the persons face and the interviewer. Common sounds in documentaries are diegetic sounds. Some still use non diegetic sounds here and there but there is mostly more talking than any other sounds. Common CLAMPS in documentaries. For costumes interviewers and the people who the documentary is about wear normal clothes, there are no special costumes. These people can wear whatever they like and want. For lighting most documentaries use low key lighting or also high key lighting. SInce they mostly only focus on one person throughout the whole film the light should be focussed on the main person. The actors are people who he documentary is about, they are the ones telling the story, explaining the story. For makeup they use light makeup or rather no makeup depending what it is about and how the actors are. For props there are very little props. Common editing in documentaries are eyeline match, montage, jumpcuts, and wipe. Many documentaries use instead of videos and pictures while a person is explaining what is happening. They use Some examples of documentaries are American Murder the family next door, Murder to Mercy, and Athlete A. These are all netflix documentaries. Elements i like about this genre are the editing, the eagles, and the actors. These all makeup for the whole film. The editing is the biggest part of an documentary, its the main thing that catches a watcher attention. The makeup and props are the main elements i don't really like. They serve no purpose depending what the documentary is about.


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