Friday, November 20, 2020

Thanksgiving Break

 I am not going to film during the thanksgiving break. Me and my family will be going out of state to visit Nashville, Tennessee. We will be leaving on Sunday and coming back the other week I would only have one day to film and it wouldn’t make a difference because i want to get everything done in two days, one after the other and if I film on Saturday and then film like two weeks later I don’t feel like it would come out good. So my plan for now is to film during the first weekend of December, around the 4th, 5th and maybe 6th. That way i can start editing and getting everything done in that first week. We will be starting early in the morning and then start filming at the house for the house and bedroom scenes and then leaving right after to go film at the soccer field. I think it wont take me too long too shoot all the scenes, I have a feeling it will be like a max of 3 hours because we do have to re-watch all the scenes we filmed and then pick which ones we should do a retake and which ones we should keep and just edit. and of course there are many scenes that might take long because there could be mistakes or the camera did not work and all of that sort. There have been some questioning about the scenes. I went over the storyboard and i saw that some things needed fixing and the dialogue and the script and I think there will be some changes and i think i will have to add or maybe even cut some scenes and add some new ones because when i looked over the story board and the script i felt like there was something missing and i needed to change it. I think i might just think over and brainstorm some extra ideas to add. So there might be some minor changes in the short film. and because of covid we have to be careful with where we go and we have to be safe. 

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