I texted two of my friends, Maria and Felipe. I asked them both what they thought about the re-edited version of the short film.
Maria was the first one to answer so i sent her the short film and she said that shed watch it and let me know what she thought. After she was done she said she liked it s alot and that it was very similar to the other one and i told her i was not able to re film or add any footage due to Lucios injury. and she told me she had heard about it and that the short film is still good and that she enjoyed watching it. She said she wished that there was more action for the injury rather than just the background but that it was still good. She said that this was also similar to what she saw last year, our music video. Because she was with me and my parents when i showed them it last year. She said she thought it was good. She did say she preffered the music video over the short film which i agree with her since it was better and it took us more time editing.
I texted Felipe and after a little while he texted me back, Felipe is my cousin so i had a higher chance of him being 100% honest with me than my friends. I sent him the short film and asked him if he could tell me what he thought about it and to let me know what he liked and he didnt like. After a couplle minutes he texted me saying he was done watching it and that he was in between liking it and disliking it. He said the same thing pretty much everyone said but he said the only reason he was in between about things was because there was very little actions and he enjoys action movies a lot and my movie would fall in that perfect category. He works a lot with television and radio and commercial stuff in brazil, hes a couple years older than me and he works with a television and radio company so he knows a lot of stuff about editing and commercials and videos
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