Thursday, October 15, 2020

Short film vs Feature length film

  In my opinion the feature film was much better than the short film. The featured film included everything the short film had. But instead of making it simple just as the short film was, they made sure the featured film was very detailed. They had the numbers being created, the person creating them was cutting the cloth that held their structure, kind of like skin. In the short film it never showed how they were made and what made them. It honestly had me very confused as to why they were scared of the little machine dog. I was also confused as to why they were alone and what had happened to the buildings. The featured film included that. They included who made them , how they were made, and what happened to the world. They described it as the "world was ending" because of a war. These big machines were made to help in the war but at the end they turned against who they were supposed to help and they basically took over everything and destroyed the world, which ended with the word ending. The short film also only added number 5 and number 9, but the featured film added all the numbers and showed what each one was. They all were very unique and their minds were very different. Some all they had was fear and needed protections, the others did not care and all they wanted was to overcome the giant machine. They included what the little machine in the short film did, the small dog machine used his little eye to catch their souls. The big machine did the exact same thing. The only thing that was different was that the big giant machine was awakened by what awakened number 9. But in the short film the small dog had been there since the beginning and it worked by the same thing. They included everything and made sure everything was included in the featured film. they left nothing out which was great and they gave us a backstory, they added flashbacks, they added the holograph at the end of when their souls were leaving the little trapped metal.


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