During the thanksgiving break, on the 26th, Lucio got injured. He went to play soccer with his family members, cousins and friends, and one of his friends side tackled him and kicked his ankle/shin. While his friend got up he noticed he wasn't being able to stand and he noticed that he was starting to feel pain but also his leg went numb. They went to the hospital because he couldn't feel his leg, and he was in a lot of pain. He spent around three hours at the hospital, and when he got out he had crutches and a little cast. The doctors told him that he tore his ligament and that he would be okay to walk in two weeks but to play soccer he would have to wait around four to six weeks. Due to his injury i believe i wont be able to re-shoot any scenes or re-shoot at all in any way. We had just started filming on Monday of thanksgiving break and we finished on Tuesday and he got injured on Wednesday. Having to turn this in, in January doesn't give us enough time to re-shoot since he wont be able to play by then.
At the end we do have something good and presentable to work with. On the day we finished filming, i went home and started going over all the footage we took. We had way more than we needed and i was glad because i really was starting to think that it was too short. When i went over all the footage we had i separated them and put the bloopers and the clips we weren't going to use in one folder and the ones that were good and that we were going to use in the other folder named "short film". Most of the footage we had was long and not short at all and we had at least two of each scene. When we were filming i wanted to be sure we had everything right and good to go so i decided for us to film two of each scene we were recording in case we did have to re-film. When i went over the re-shoots i took, i noticed that i was missing three scenes. So i will have to do with what i got from the first shots. I find it funny how the short film is about a highschool soccer athlete getting badly injured and it really happens in real life!