The extract of “game of thrones” is not something I would in fact watch if I wanted to. My opinion on the authors vision is that he has a creative and simple way of thinking. Like many other shows that take place in the older days, they all are dark and dull. Just by watching this little clip from the show you can immediately make out that this show is about struggles among these families.
For the first scene, we have the boat entering the location. The scene goes from the two actors and it zooms out into an aerial shot. There is no dialogue, there is however diegetic sound. No dialogue whatsoever makes the scene dull, with no emotion.
Next, we have two shot. For two shot the best scene was when they were in the waiting room. There was little dialogue, but it was two shot that turned into an over the shoulder shot. They were talking and soon got interrupted by the king.
The third scene I think it was, it was the table scene where the kings are talking about the war and their issues. It goes from a reverse shot since they talk back and forth about how the king is product of incest which is the main theme of this show.
Back to the first scene, that’s crosscutting. While they are on the boat the scene cuts to the location and then back to the two actors. This shows their expression and the way their looking towards the kingdom.
For the dialogue it was spread throughout the whole extract. The most dialogue was when they were at the table talking about who deserves to be king and about the war.
The background noise gives us an idea of place they're at and what's around them. For example, in the first scene it was quiet but there were sound of birds and people walking in the back.
As for the lighting it was very dark. In the room scene where they were talking. It was dark and it set the mood for the whole extract.
And lastly for the location. It was established in the first scene where they were on the boat. The camera zoomed out and that’s where you could tell they were going to be at for the next couple scenes.
I believe I'm right that the directors' vision is that this show is about struggles among these families.