Friday, March 20, 2020

Reshoot Update Blog

As we all know, there has been a virus outbreak worldwide. Which is known as the Corona Virus or aka Covid-19. This outbreak had given us some obstacles and some very rocky situations to deal with. School has been cancelled and won’t open until April 15th. It has been closed since March 13th.  We have been getting updates from the county and from the news and as of right now there are currently 432 cases of the corona virus and there are for now only 9 deaths. We’re hoping this can all go away because many people are on quarantine and lock down at their houses, me for example. I am not allowed to leave my house to go places other than the stores to get necessary things. In that case reshooting our movie will be a little hard in our situation because without some our group members and actors we are not able to reshoot. And many public places where we are supposed to be filming are currently closed by the police and not allowed to go to. Many beaches and parks are closed. Therefore many us, not just my group, but i bet many of the other groups are also on house arrest due to this and they are not able to leave their houses. We have been updating eachother in our Aice Media group chat about certain things and any news we have that could help us out on our filming. We’re waiting to get any updates from the school but as of right now we have nothing new that is helpful to our situation. We are trying our best here to deliver something but right now it’s a little hard. Most of us also have nothing to do other than watch netflix all day or facetime our friends since there is no school work due to spring break and due to the fact that our 3rd quarter has just ended so as 4th quarter starts we have nothing to study since we don’t know much about anything we’re learning about. The school has said that on March 30th in 10 days we will start online courses until we go back which is April 15th. Many schools have started Online school with actual virtual learning where teachers and students have to show themselves.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Planning for reshoot

Our plans for reshoots are to start shooting over the spring break. Which starts on march 20th. We will be going over all of our mistakes from the first movie and we will try our best to fix all the details we had messed up in the first one. We’re trying our best to make it as perfect as possible and as best as we can. We will be going over our footage and our script and this time we will get our actors to minimize their mistakes by actually memorizing very well each line and everything they’re doing so we can minimize the mistakes they did in the first shoot. We also changed some our actors and we also changed our story board and our script. We changed the ending of the storyboard. The police officer at the end he dies because Ava had poisoned him. So we have everything down all we need to do now is reshoot and get going with our editing. For our editing me and Milena will be doing all of it so we will have all of our group members send all the footage and we will each watch and cut and edit and then insert it into the computer and start with editing. We should have more clips than last time since we changed the storyboard. We should have about 3 or 4 more extra clips and we should have extra takes from each scene incase we lose any footage or in case we mess something up or also in car any of the actors did anything wrong. We’ve also changed the script we’ve changed and given some of the actors more lines and we also took out some that made no sense or that they were useless to the footage. We also changed our locations and times of reshooting. we have decided that it is better to film on a day where it’s not too windy and a better park and also a better time so we have concluded with those plans. Once spring break comes around we will start reshooting and going over everything. Also once we have finished we will start working on our CCR’s and reorganizing any blogs.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Peer Review

For the peer review we got to class and we went up and read the paper about which group had who. We got group number 11 and we got their movie and we started watching it. we noticed some little mistakes nothing major though. Their lighting was good, you could see all the details perfectly and there were not any too bright or too dark shots. The lighting stayed the same throughout the movie. There were a couple scenes where it didn’t make much sense but you could still make it out as to what it could be. We then watched it a couple other times to make sure we didn’t miss anything and that we were correct on our information. We then started answering our questions and we had to discuss a little on some of them because one of us either thought one thing and the other person thought the other. So we had to discuss our opinions on certain things. We also went back and watched it a couple more times so we could pause and read the titles and see what time they were placed at and if they were in correct order or what not. What was one thing i didn’t like about the film? well i didn’t like how there was a certain clip where the girl just stood up and walked inside, i didn’t understand what the meaning of that was because she just walked in and the other girl followed right after, they could have edited it a little better. They could’ve made a smooth transition on that part so it would’ve make us as confused as we were. They might have tried to make it seem like a couple minutes had passed by but it didn’t look like that on the film. it looked like they just cut and it didn’t make any sense. A thing i liked about the film? A thing that i liked about it was that at the end the way the murderer or the kidnapper revealed himself was cool and it was surprising, like they didn’t expect that person to be it. i wish they had played the person before more in the beginning as if he was a friend or someone they knew and it would make it more suspenseful and interesting and it would make us wonder more about why he would do that.

Monday, March 2, 2020

Editing Blog

We started off by sending the footage to the laptop we were gonna use to edit. After receiving the footage we reviewed the footage, which took a while since we had many retakes of the same scene. We then chose out our favorite clips to later import. Once we chose the clips it was time to cut it down to then make a new project in iMovie. We imported all the media into the project to then align them in order to fit the story line. We then figured that we had to add some sort of background music to add suspense. We spent at least half an hour browsing through YouTube until then we found three songs that were non-copyright and fitted our film. We then voted to use the one we like the most. After aligning the clips and adding the background music we realized that there was too much background noise that ruined the film. We had to enhance the audio and after playing around with the setting we decided to add sound effects since it was too quiet. We then kept replaying the movie but it didn't feel complete so we had an idea of using some of the footage that we didn't initially use. We detached the audio from the video and then added a voice effect to make it fit the idea of a flashback. After watching it a couple times we still thought it wasn't done, so we played around choosing the right filters and adding effects to the video. In order to make the titles we had to review the titles that iMovie already offered us. It took us a couple minutes to choose the correct title. We then went back to add the dates and try to fit in more footage into the film. After a two hours we figured the music we had chosen had more of a childish tune to it. So back to YouTube we went, we tried many videos but yet again none of them fit the murder and thriller category of our film. Once we thought we found the right one it turns out it was copyright. So we just stuck to the one we originally had in our short film. We just started browsing sound effects and then we had another idea of adding a heartbeat sound to enhance the creepy aspect of the film. That was just the final touch that brought our film together and we loved the way the result came out as.